Thursday, January 19, 2017


Have you ever misinterpreted a text? Or sent a text and someone took offense because they read it the wrong way? This makes me crazy. My mom always laughs at me because I respond with one word responses. Apparently, unlike the majority of the world, I HATE TEXTING! I'm a girl of the past. I love picking up the phone and calling people. It seems more personal to me and I feel like it's always more productive that way. Have you ever called someone and left a message then they respond in a text? If I wanted a text, I would have texted you:).  My poor daughter. She's a junior in college and I still make her talk to me on the phone. You can hear happiness, sadness, excitement, disappointment, loneliness, if someone is overwhelmed, a plethora of other feelings from someone's voice. I refuse to except that I live in a world where it's okay to text someone how you feel versus saying it to them. I want to hear the sincerity in someone's voice. In a world where we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, and looking at pictures of people and assuming what they are thinking and how they are feeling, do we ever just follow the great advice of Vanilla Ice? Stop, collaborate and listen? Seems pretty simple but, it's harder than you think. Let's break it down.

First, we have to STOP. Stop what? Well, obviously, I'm going to say stop texting constantly! But seriously, stop whatever it is that is taking up so much of your time that you can't even have a conversation with someone. There are a lot of vices out there. Netflix and Amazon can suck hours of your life away and you don't even realize it. Ask me, I can tell you all about it. Seriously though, if you are looking for a good show, ask. I have friends who can barely carry on a conversation because their kids are wreaking havoc in the background. I don't care, at least it's real, and I can offer them words of encouragement. Like, "Enjoy them now, it only get's worse!" or "Wait until they learn sarcasm, that's when the real fun begins!" Kids cry people! Especially if you are on the phone!

Second, COLLABORATE! The definition of collaborate is as follows:

Google search

    work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something

So let's collaborate and create something! Never underestimate the power of creating a bond with someone. It's okay to spend time with people and getting to know them. The real them. I have "known" people and then in a blink of an eye been completely floored by their actions or something they've said. That's okay! We aren't meant to be perfect robots who never make mistakes or say something stupid. I have literally left a situation before and thought, "what in the world was I thinking?" or "why in the world did I just say that?" And I promise, I really don't know. My intentions were pure in my head, but my words and actions may prove otherwise. This brings me to our third and most important step.

LISTEN! Have you ever been in a conversation where you know the other person isn't listening to a word you are saying? It's so frustrating! Sometimes, we just need to be heard. I think God uses these situations so that I will turn to Him instead. As if he is saying, "you are getting nowhere Rebecca, come to Me instead" (insert Morgan Freeman voice because that's the voice I imagine God having) Listening is not a skill set that comes easy for everyone. So let's be a little more forgiving, can we? We all love to be heard, but isn't it hard to listen? When we really listen to one another, I think we understand each other more. Not everything has to be taken so personally. Sometimes, people are so full of pain that if one person could just listen to them, they would feel better. You can't put your true feelings in a picture or in a text. We need to listen to one another more often and get the facts straight before we make assumptions. You know what happens when we assume, you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me."


It is often hard for me to listen because I want to insert my two cents! I am learning that I don't need to have all the answers, it's not my job. Being a good listener requires patience and acceptance. Not everyone is going to handle things the way I would handle it, and that's okay. (is it? Joking!) My point is that I am working on accepting people the way they are and realizing it's not my job to change them, but to love them the way Jesus loves me. I know Jesus scares some people. Proverbs 18:13 says, "spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish."

Your non-texting friend,

Psalms 19:14

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